Sunday, July 31, 2005

Rhymes and Reasons

I guess I wish I would use this space for more of a diary approach. I just don't usually, although this post could turn into one I suppose. I guess the personal things (also the things I would actually have an authority to write on) I tend to shy away from. I wish I had the gumption to "lay it all on the table" each and every time I wrote something on here. Instead, I'll post some vague scrap from the word stack in my room, that seems only to add to the mounting question "what's the point" that's been plaguing (that might be too strong a word) me since the beginning. Sometimes I like the hodge-podgness I've created, other times I think it's despicable. Without laying out to well designed a structure, I think there are three kinds of blogs. 1. the cause blog. 2. the diary/journal blog. 3. the whatever blog.
Mine seems to be mostly "3". The title of this one subtly refers (unless your a big fan than it's not subtle) to an old John Denver song, whom I've listened to a lot, mostly when I was a wee one, and especially when decorating the Christmas tree. John Denver made a great Christmas Record that's become more than tradition in the Jensen household. I don't know anyone else that so reverently listens to John Denver around Christmas time. This may seem like a contradiction, yes, but embrace it people. It's a really good album. Wow, this post has almost completly no structure, or coherency.
There is a man in a plaid shirt with glasses, carrying a drink that has changed his mind 3 times on which way he wanted to walk as he passed our backyard. Thought you should know.
Yee ghosts of cyberspace.
I read alot. I think a lot. I need a lot of sleep. Music fills the gap like putty holding back some inevitable flood.
I bought a plane ticket (yes, it's true) to see my bestest friend Jeff (aka man) in San Diego In September. Yay for me. "Andy, how did you pay for that" you may be asking. "I'll get to that later" I reply with a backwards KC royals hat, noting the rough season, and hoping I get to go to a Padres game while in Cali.
Have a good evening/morning/afternoon.


Blogger Suzanne said...

so i'm not going to be seeing more of you? :( tell jeff hi.

August 2, 2005 at 4:00 PM  
Blogger Chris & Alicia said...

that was tight, yo. keep your royals hat on. forwards or backwards. and tell jeff i said hi, too. remember--"hey! jeff! chris and suzanne said 'hi'!"

August 3, 2005 at 10:45 PM  

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