I've been reading record reviews
I'm listening to the Headphones on Purevolume
I don't know how to make a link
I finally got a haircut
I don't like the haircut so much
My car overheats quite easily
I'm listening to talk radio
People are mad, people are angry
Briton got bombed, I sit here
I'm typing
I need some peace and quiet
Mom and Dad come home with new keys for the front door locks
The dog lays quietly in her closet
It is hot but not sweltering
I'm dabbling with new format
I'm reading myself
I'm not using as many dots today (ellipsis's if you will)
Another grocery session coming up
Ups passed us by like the deadly pesitlence
Jobs pay us
Jobs kill us
I sit, type, listen continue, ponder deleting,
...always pondering...
Hey, I like your words.
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