Monday, June 27, 2005

If you could just see me now...

I refuse to re-write what I've already written, that is in my personal notebooks. I've got 10 or more of them. (Mead 70's college ruled if you really wanna now) I am religious about not editing what i've written, in them. On here, man I do.......Most of the time I sit down, and I have something that's buggin me, or just pounding on the inside, but I won't write about it. I just keep it to myself. Today I started writing something, then conveniently held the backspace key for awhile until there was just a blank page staring back at my and all my inadequecies. Hooey. Some of us never can get past that "what is this for" phase. To me, it's a constant phase. I know I clumsily addressed this way back when I started this mess, and here it comes again..........
It's hotter than a hand grenade outside today, but I already said "walk?" to the dog, and I owe it to her. She is sitting in the closet, sad, dejected, and feeling tricked I suppose. If I could explain to her that I got to go on these writing binges every once in awhile, to sooth the brain quells, then I would. I would also explain to her that I'm not one of those "people who write about their pets all the time"
Hmmm, welp, here's another futile post, from a seemingly futile day, sorry to dampen your day if i did, a little excercise should help though.......


Blogger Suzanne said...

thought i'd add a futile comment.

did it help?

June 27, 2005 at 5:43 PM  
Blogger Andronicus said...

.....a comment always helps....(insert matt insulting me here, then i have to rephrase myself that not all comments are "helpful")

June 27, 2005 at 8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's so bad about people writing about their pets??? Hmmm??? :)
Sorry you're having a bum day and that you promised your dog a walk in the heat. That stinks. Why did you hit the delete key? No more of that, silly. Now we all want to know what you deleted!

June 28, 2005 at 11:48 AM  
Blogger Andronicus said...

Bev, I wans't making a referrance to your dog post, by all means keep doing it! I don't mind actually. As for what I deleted......i'm not really sure now...

June 28, 2005 at 2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah...not sure, I'm sure! :) blah. Some days suck, huh? And some days don't.

June 29, 2005 at 6:39 AM  

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