Ice Storms and Futility.
All the cars in the neighborhood are completyly iced in. I spent a good hour or so scraping ice off around the door of the old Mazda trying to get it open, so I could start it, so I could turn the defrost on, so I could get all the ice off before it started raining/snowing again. This whole process seemd quite futile to me. I wasn't really planning on driving anywere today, or tommorow. The parents (mostly mom) thought it was best to get as much ice off as possible while I could. There was only 1/4 inch or so. And another 1" was expected. I thought about arguing the overall concept of scraping off ice, so more ice could cover it up, but I didn't. I just did it this time, even though it seemd to be just a colder version of making one's bed. I used to argue when I was younger that this too was a pointless job, as everynight I ended up kicking off the blankets anyway. (this usually still happens, perhaps I am just a restless soul). I now see the object of making one's bed. Perhaps it's a bit of a spring board to other acts of cleanliness. If my bed is made, I find I am more likely to pick other objects off of the floor, and put them in their respective places. Kind of the same concept as getting up and showering right off the bat, so as to begin a sense of productivness.
Sometimes everything seems futile. No matter what we do to prevent sickness, injury, or financial disasters, the storms come anyway. This morning my Grandather was to have a procedure to remove cancer on his lungs. Whether or not this was directly related to his tobacco intake for 30 or so years was never mentioned. That's not the point. The point is my family; Mom, Dad, me and little sis Molly all gathered this morning in the living to pray for him and Grandma who will, has, and will continue to worry about this and everything else there is to worry about. The fact that we prayed together, for a common reason got me thinking about childhood, and how this was a common thing. Obviosly this has helped shape part of who I am today. There is something to be said to the old saying I've heard in "Christian cirlcles" ""The family that prays together, stays together"". I am well aware of cases, were this isn't necessarily true, but for the most part, I really think it is. Cheesy, as it may sound. I am, though, guilty of sometimes questioning the point of these prayers. Without going into a deep theological discussion of why I sometimes feel that way; I can say that for the most part, almost as soon as the doubt occurs, I come out of it. I really believe that God hears us, even when we (especially me) do not deserve to be listened to at all. Arguing with God can be quite futile. So as my family all sat on the couch and prayed for Grandpa, I felt the voice of theological reason come back to me as if to say. "This isn't futile". "If eveything else you've ever done seems that way, this isn't"
I hope to begin soon, my Satirical Online "Gossip Newspaper" and who's who, and where are they now, or something like that Edition. Stay tuned for random photo's and what not of people, you maybe have seen before, or not. If Molly, will explain the Scanner that it....................Dun dun dun.........
"guilty of sometimes questioning the point of these prayers."
questioning isn't a crime. if faith is the foundation that you're going to build you life on, it's only smart to check it for stability.
"I just did it this time, even though it seemd to be just a colder version of making one's [bed]."
Amy's cat Tigger has decided to up the ante of my morning productivity. Due to my apparent lack of self-motivated bed-making (or perhaps my lack of self-motivated bed-leaving), she has taken to peeing on my bed with me still in it. For this, the veterinarian has prescribed an antibiotic to take care of her bladder infection, along with an anti-depressant to curb her apparent anxiety disorder.
Heck, I'd pee on my bed if it got me Prozac. Then I'd have an excuse to not leave my bed, let alone not make it.
i just wanted you to konw that even though they've been the only 2 replies to your last 3 or so blog posts, matt and suz are not the only one's reading your drivel... er... your blog.
ben roethlisberger
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