The People (person) Have Spoken!
The People (or person) who actually read this non-sense have spoken, and It is time for me to make another post. Please note the recent change of titles for this clever site. Beforehand it was "Think & Save" a refference to a "bad idea store" Matt helped me phrase. But I felt like "exploring" my pirate tendencys, while admitting my current geographical state (no pun intended). Oh man, this is dumb. I also should warn you that I probably will change the name again, most likely without notice. I'm also considering a video broadcast, via satelitte to my brain, with streaming video clips here so you can literally see what I was thinking, so I don't have to write this, 'cause it never goes where I originally intended (wow Andy, what a bold idea, I'm sure nobody else has ever had that problem). This leads me to my next "point". I was thinking the other day (hey, watch the slams buddy) while I was showering about a current dilemma/observation. It actually relates to thinking, and how no matter how hard we (or me) try, the best "ideas" seem to come at the most inopportune times. Whether it be while you are completly naked and showering, or driving alone across Kansas, the fact remains that I am completly too far away from a pen and paper. By the time you get to some the "idea" is gone, and I'm left sitting on a couch thinking how dumb of an idea it probably was anyway. No, I'm not going to go into an invention speech (though I probaly will later), I'm just making excuses to why I'm a habitual rambler/run-on-sentencer/inapporpriate parantheses user etc.......okay I don't remember my point even to the last few sentences....maybe it was something about my short term memory.....GOULET! If you tried making a "comment" before and it said you couldn't unless you were a member, I think I changed that now, so comment away! I'm going to go get some sody now.......have a nice day....
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