Monday, April 25, 2005

Pros & Cons

This could be a familiar title. Pros and Cons that is. I like to write 'em out. I often do in my head, so I might as well type 'em as well. I've noticed that people don't use the word type as often...hmmm....

Today I had to "shop". Grr.....Really the only thing I had to buy was toothpaste, but you know how it goes. I also wanted chapstick, which apparently is a namebrand, not unlike Kleenex. I never say, "man, my lips are chapped, I need to buy some Blistex!" (what I bought today, because it came in cherry and was cheaper).

Onto pros and cons: Cons; nobody in this town has the new Starflyer 59 album! ARGHGH! i've tried everywhere. I'm not above buying it at Target or Best Buy either, believe me I checked. I usually try and support the little shops downtown or wherever, but it's a moot point because nobody carries this. Argg! I really hate shopping at big stores like walmart,target, best buy. I don't know if I could accurately explain why. I've been putting off that blog for some time now. Everytime i'm at one of these places I'm filled with bile, and bitter sentiment. But i'm usually thinking about what i would write about my thoughts on these places, but you guessed it......i rarely do. It seems inevitable that whenever I'm in one of these types of stores, i end up wandering around in a trance like state, frowning, and etcering...(new word?)

Cons: Back hurts in that weird, is this cancer way.

Pros: Whilst looking for Starflyer's new album, I came across two Stavesacre albums for 4.99! Wahoo. I also bought this Korean War Movie for my brother's B-day that he recommened we watch together. While he was living in South Korea, he went to see this movie (Tae Guk Gi) in the theatre. He was the only American in there. Turns out the theatre was packed with teary eyed South Korean vets. He said it must have been much like American D-Day vets going to see Saving Private Ryan, except this was about a war in which their home country, if not home city was invaded. Several people had to leave, because it was just too hard to re-live. I've yet to watch it, but i'm completly fascinated already as I've done lots of reading on the subject.

Pros: whilst downtown depositing my loly paycheck for the temp agency, I saw a man riding a bicycle in the rain and wearing a bright yellow tin hat that looked like a World War I relic. I don't know why this is a pros, other than it made me smile.

Pros: I randomly dropped in at a pet store. I sometimes do this just to look at the fish. My favorite fish store went out of business (i should have put that on cons, but it happend before today). I like just looking at fish. Therapy. I ended up buying Lucy, our dog a big rawhide bone. She is happy.


Blogger George Parker Montgomery said...

I don't like shopping at big stores either. I'll give you some reasons why. Walmart treats their employees bad, making them stay the night because some of them live to far away to travel to and from. Walmart also gives a 100% of their non profit donation money to the Republicans. I hope you're not one. You don't sound like one. Target, though, treating their employees better and having much better taste in stylists, gives 75% of their non profit money to the Republicans. I don't know about Best Buy. But the ones out here in Northern California seem to only hire idiots. Go figure.

April 25, 2005 at 2:57 PM  
Blogger Andronicus said...

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April 25, 2005 at 4:27 PM  
Blogger Andronicus said...

Thanks for stopping by "georgie". Yah, all the big stores suck, you can find facts for whatever your trying to bash about them. I just don't like being there. I used to work at Target when i was 16 or 17. I was never treated very well there either, but it's just a job, right? Target sucks too, they just look nicer on the inside. And for the record, I am a moderate Republican with pseduo anarchist subtletys(mostly a joke, i don't really think I have any anarchist characteristics other then a distrust/anger towards corporations) am a Christian, , deplorer of labels, yet not ashamed, yet not branded, yet don't stick out in a crowd, yet don't fit in with any crowd, yadda yadda.........

April 25, 2005 at 4:31 PM  
Blogger George Parker Montgomery said...

Oooh. Moderate Republican. I'll pretend I didn't hear that. hahaha. If you think working for Target is bad. I used to work for an amusement park out here called Great America. It's owned by Paramount, which is owned by Viacom, which owns a quarter of this world. Talk about being a corporate slave.

Question for you. That is, if you want or have the time to answer. The only thing I've ever heard from Kansas was that you only need to drive through it once and you'll remember what it looks like for the rest of your life. (My Media Law and Regulations Professor told me that). But I was wondering, what are the politics out there? Is it really THAT conservative? Let's say, if an ethnic person who happens to be gay is driving cross country with friends going to have trouble when they stop for gas? Just curious.

April 26, 2005 at 9:12 AM  
Blogger George Parker Montgomery said...

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April 26, 2005 at 9:12 AM  
Blogger Sean said...

Maybe instead of a raw hide bone you can buy the prettiest fish in the store and then feed it to Lucy? That way you AND the dog can get something out of it.

April 26, 2005 at 9:48 AM  
Blogger Andronicus said...

Georgie.......well, your proffesor probably went east-west through kansas on I-70.......pretty much a straight shot.........but no, Kansas doesn't all look the same. It's pretty easy for people to say it's boring, or flat, or it all looks the same. I choose to like it. About being gay and driving through kansas.....i don't think it would be a problem, are you heterophobic or something? Just kidding, not funny. I guess if you live in cali, then yes, kansas is pretty conservative, i don't think that's a horrible, disgusting thing like the way some people will tell you it is. Although i live in Lawrence, which is a political Oasis. It's really not like Kanas, yet it is. It's kinda the San Fran of Kansas, if i may say so without sounding ignorant, because, gulp, i've never been to San Fran.......anyway......i like it.

April 26, 2005 at 9:30 PM  
Blogger Sean said...

heterophobic! bwhahahaha!

April 26, 2005 at 9:57 PM  
Blogger Chris & Alicia said...

Wait--I know someone that has the Starflyer 59 CD! ...No, never mind. I'm thinking Britney Spears.

Kansas rocks. If you don't like the people, you're not gonna like the place. "Choosing" to like it is a good way to put it. Good job, Andymaninoff! As G. K. Chesterton pointed out, "Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her." It makes sense if you get the often useless "warm-fuzzy" idea of love out of your head.

April 27, 2005 at 7:09 AM  
Blogger George Parker Montgomery said...

heterophobic. that's a good one. no, i'm not. in fact, i have more straight friends than gay friends. i have a phobia of getting beaten to a pulp because i'm gay. i don't think being conservative is a bad thing. i think not allowing people to explore new ideas is terrifying nonetheless. who knew kansas had a mini san francisco. i will check that out if i ever go cross country.

April 27, 2005 at 9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Cons: Back hurts in that weird, is this cancer way."

cancer doesn't hurt. at least until they cut it out (off?) of you.

then the hole hurts...

so, yeah, ironnically it's the LACK of cancer that causes pain--at least in the short term.

i hope that makes you rest better tonight.


April 28, 2005 at 7:16 PM  

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