Friday, April 01, 2005

Welcome to the World.

My cousin Sarah called me this morning with good news. I of course, being a fan of good news and what would you call it, well, not a fan of bad news, was glad to hear. (insert clever modest mouse referrence here if you wanna)
"Guess what Andy" she said?
"ummmm........let me guess" I say......."Aliens landed in Nebraska and want you to open a sweater shop with them?"
", you have a new cousin!" (i knew this was coming, cause it seems like Melissa's been pregnant for a good long while now)
Had I had a triumphant trumpet fanfare button on the phone, this is the moment were I would pushed it, instead of just sounding really happy, which I was actually.
And so, little Ava Geneve enters this cruel and harsh, beautiful yet lonely world on a day I find quite funny....april fool's day. It's a good day to be born I think. The weather is near perfect today (well at least here in Kansas). Yes, yes, dear readers I am open to the fact that maybe cousin Sarah was playing an "april fools" day joke, but I'm pretty sure Melissa actually had her baby this morning.
And so cousin Sarah proceeded to give me the facts, and I proceeded to write them down with concentrated accuracy on my "fact sheet" which I, in family style have already relayed to mom at school, ben on his answering machine, and soon Dad and Molly, as they come home from errands/class. Cousin Sam yelled in excitement in teh background that he "HAD A NEW SISTER". He also was quite proud that he poured his own orange juice without spilling.
I woke up this morning In a dismal state, possibly from the nights previous dream, but I don't want to dwell on that currently. Much like a wedding, it's not about me right now, If I had a glass to raise, I would, as the orange juice is currently thawing......happy day.


Blogger Suzanne said...

i spilled a vanilla latte on the carpet yesterday, and i don't have a new little sister. life's funny that way.

April 1, 2005 at 11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"i spilled a vanilla latte on the carpet yesterday"

man, i thought that was a secret... i've been walking around not telling people about that all day.


April 1, 2005 at 10:27 PM  
Blogger Sean said...

My friend Krystle D just had a baby girl two weeks ago. Her little daughter's name is Ava.

April 1, 2005 at 11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i believe in crystal light because i believe in me... i believe in krystle d because i believe in sean and really don't feel like he'd lie about something like this.

and yes, i am aware that this might have been the dumbest post ever.


April 2, 2005 at 12:59 PM  

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