Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The G Word.

I called in sick today. This is something I do not make a habit of. Now that I am sitting at home and at the computer, I feel much better and am actually dabbling with the idea of "calling in ok" or just going back to work. I kinda feel guilty being home and being not-all-that-sick. Currently I'm justifying my actions with the notion that I am doing good for my co-workers by quarenting myself (unlike the co-worker who did not do this and whom i subject I received the bug from).

The good thing about being home is getting a chance to catch up on internetting and bills and the like. The bad thing (possibly) is that I will be thinking, which I seriously (if you knew the whole story you'd understand)am trying to do less of in some situations.

I have been thinking about our or my generation. This is the part of the post where you the reader go..."oh...hmmm, here is the title being cleverly inserted, much like a title of a movie gets thrown into a piece of dialouge in my favorite movie".
There is a lot to talk about with this silly word. I was in a band once that had a song called "Generation". (see Cracker had an album many years back called "I hate my Generation" and I don't blame them. Maybe the older I get, instead of getting more accustomed to who we are as a generation I go the opposite way, with thoughts like......."man, we've got problems". It's hard to have this conversation with parent types, who's lives were just so much differnt than ours. I almost wish I grew up in the 50's, not the 80's-90's. I just see our generation wandering around taking jobs, then hating them, wandering around some more, hating our plight when it really is a very good one considering most of the world who live in poverty. This is a really bad essay. Hooray for my structure. Hooray.

Here's some random pro's/Con's of my generation.

Pro's: We are not as gullible. We are not naive. Our lifespan's are typically longer. We've got better hygeine products.

unfortunately, sometimes the pros's also become the con's. Part of the circular process of apparently just about everything, including my head, my brain, and my lifestyle.

Con's. We are pessimistic. We are suckers for any new gadgets that promise "connection" to others, while only becoming more isolated. We are full of lies that were taught to us under the guise of truth:IE make yourself happy, you deserver the best etc.......

well, you can see were this is going............seriosuly i'm trying not to be so pessimistic, it just comes out weird somtimes.
The weather looks nice, though I've yet to be outside (due to my condition). Don't worry dear readers, I'm taking my vitamin c, vitamin B6, and currently getting a healthy dose of rock N roll via Stars Go Cold from Wichita. Perhaps you too would like.......


Blogger George Parker Montgomery said...

What I do like about our generation are the resources we have. The idiots just don't know how to use them. Pessimistic or not, it's truth. Which is hard to handle. I think I need a sick day. Can I call in fat tomorrow?

February 2, 2006 at 11:57 AM  

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