Friday, February 15, 2008

the sickness..

i've been sick for over two days now, and i'm wondering how much more news i could possibly watch, how much more national geographic specials on bears in alaska i can intake, and how much more sitting, dreaming, sleeping, wondering one person should be allowed to have. There's a certain element of freedom in being sick, 'cause there's so much time to do whatever, and yet you don't feel like doing much but the aforementioned. Science Fiction dreams, interstellar naps, snow is melting in the backyard.........

i've had this "blog" for years now, and just put up a picture.....(i think i used to have one up of harrison ford in blade runner, back when the blog was tentatively titled "think and Save" a bad referrence to a bad idea store.

hearts and cough syrup induced dreams.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fevers and Mirrors.

maybe my whole deal is that I want to write something that completly explains everything I believe, or don't believe. My own personal treatise on life available to family, friends, and enemies rather than these vague, snippets I thrown on here, here and there, and everywhere as if i'm luring you (nobody) on some sort of mystery.
I'm home sick with a fever, and i'm sweating as I type, though I think the fever is bettering because of the ibuprofern i took an hour ago. Never the less, i'm pretty sure they just said a spy satellite is going to hit Earth if we don't shoot it down on CNN. How's that for fever induced delirium? No, they really said it. Ironic that i was just recently listening to Arthur C Clarke's "Hammer of the God's" about a meteorite that is going to hit Earth in the future. Unfortunately as I was on the last CD of a five cd set, half way through the last one it started skipping badly enough that i still haven't heard the ending.....irony? I just looked in the mirror and my head looks like a mushrooom.