Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fevers and Mirrors.

maybe my whole deal is that I want to write something that completly explains everything I believe, or don't believe. My own personal treatise on life available to family, friends, and enemies rather than these vague, snippets I thrown on here, here and there, and everywhere as if i'm luring you (nobody) on some sort of mystery.
I'm home sick with a fever, and i'm sweating as I type, though I think the fever is bettering because of the ibuprofern i took an hour ago. Never the less, i'm pretty sure they just said a spy satellite is going to hit Earth if we don't shoot it down on CNN. How's that for fever induced delirium? No, they really said it. Ironic that i was just recently listening to Arthur C Clarke's "Hammer of the God's" about a meteorite that is going to hit Earth in the future. Unfortunately as I was on the last CD of a five cd set, half way through the last one it started skipping badly enough that i still haven't heard the ending.....irony? I just looked in the mirror and my head looks like a mushrooom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not "nobody"! I am reading your blogs from time to time Andy! and I know there are others too!

You are loved.

March 30, 2008 at 8:44 PM  

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